2025-01-03 06:48

在数字化时代,网站优化和搜索引擎排名成为了每个网站管理者和SEO专家必须掌握的技能,蜘蛛池(Spider Pool)作为一种提升网站搜索引擎友好度的工具,通过模拟搜索引擎蜘蛛的抓取行为,帮助网站更好地被搜索引擎收录和排名,本文将详细介绍如何将网站对接到蜘蛛池,并提供详细的操作步骤和注意事项。




















   pip install spiderpool-sdk


   from spiderpool_sdk import SpiderPoolClient
   client = SpiderPoolClient(api_key='your_api_key')



import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from spiderpool_sdk import SpiderPoolClient, SpiderTask, SpiderTaskType, CrawlDepth, CrawlDirection, CrawlStrategy, CrawlFrequency, CrawlTimeout, RetryPolicy, RetryDelay, RetryCount, UserAgent, Referer, AcceptLanguage, AcceptEncoding, AcceptCharset, CookieJar, Header, Body, ResponseStatus, ResponseTime, DownloadSpeed, OutboundLinks, InboundLinks, InboundAnchorText, ExtractedData, ExtractedDataType, ExtractedDataKey, ExtractedDataRegex, ExtractedDataFlags, ExtractedDataLimit, ExtractedDataOffset, ExtractedDataSortKey, ExtractedDataSortDirection, ExtractedDataFilterKey, ExtractedDataFilterValue, ExtractedDataFilterOperator, ExtractedDataFilterExclude, ExtractedDataGroupByKey, ExtractedDataGroupSortKey, ExtractedDataGroupLimit, ExtractedDataGroupOffset, ExtractedDataGroupSortDirection, ExtractedDataGroupByValue, ExtractedDataTypeValueMapping, ExtractedDataTypeValueMappingKey, ExtractedDataTypeValueMappingValue, ExtractedDataTypeValueMappingDefault, ExtractedDataTypeValueMappingRegex, ExtractedDataTypeValueMappingFlags, ExtractedDataTypeValueMappingLimit, ExtractedDataTypeValueMappingOffset, ExtractedDataTypeValueMappingSortKey, ExtractedDataTypeValueMappingSortDirection
from datetime import datetime
import json
import os
import time
import threading
import queue
import logging
import urllib3
from urllib3.util.retry import Retry  # Retry handling for requests library (optional)
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter  # HTTPAdapter for requests library (optional)
from requests import Session  # Session for requests library (optional)
from urllib.parse import urlparse  # URL parsing (optional)
from collections import defaultdict  # Default dictionary (optional)
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor  # ThreadPoolExecutor for concurrent crawling (optional)
from functools import partial  # Partial function for lambda functions (optional)
from itertools import chain  # Chain iteration (optional)
from operator import itemgetter  # Item getter for sorting (optional)
from import Iterable  # Iterable check (optional)
from contextlib import contextmanager  # Context manager for resource management (optional)
from contextlib2 import contextmanager  # Context manager for resource management (optional) - only if contextlib2 is installed (optional) - not required in this example but can be useful for more complex tasks (optional) - not used in this example but can be useful for more complex tasks (optional) - not used in this example but can be useful for more complex tasks (optional) - not used in this example but can be useful for more complex tasks (optional) - not used in this example but can be useful for more complex tasks (optional) - not used in this example but can be useful for more complex tasks (optional) - not used in this example but can be useful for more complex tasks (optional) - not used in this example but can be useful for more complex tasks (optional) - not used in this example but can be useful for more complex tasks (optional) - not used in this example but can be useful for more complex tasks (optional) - not used in this example but can be useful for more complex tasks (optional) - not used in this example but can be useful for more complex tasks (optional) - not used in this example but can be useful for more complex tasks (optional) - not used in this example but can be useful for more complex tasks (optional) - not used in this example but can be useful for more complex tasks (optional) - not used in this example but can be useful for more complex tasks (optional) - not used in this example but can be useful for more complex tasks (optional) - not used in this example but can be useful for more complex tasks (optional) - not used in this example but can be useful for more complex tasks (optional) - not used in this example but can be useful for more complex tasks (optional) - not used in this example but can be useful for more complex tasks (optional) - not used in this example but can be useful for more complex tasks (optional) - not used in this example but can be useful for more complex tasks (optional) - not used in this example but can be useful for more complex tasks (optional) - not used in this example but can be useful for more complex tasks (optional) - not used in this example but can be useful for more complex tasks (optional) - not used in this example but can be useful for more complex tasks (optional) - not used in this example but can be useful for more complex tasks (optional) - not used in this example but can be useful for more complex tasks (optional) - not used in this example but can be useful for more complex tasks
【小恐龙蜘蛛池认准唯一TG: seodinggg】XiaoKongLongZZC
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